Thursday, January 28, 2010

Not quite on target yet

Dear OEM,

Our original goal was to lose 2 pounds a week. We're some way off that, aren't we? Here we are after three weeks and you've lost 2 and I've lost 1.2 - total. Hmm. We're going to have to get stricter.

Have you managed to do the once a week exercise yet, as per the manifesto?

Dr Mom


  1. Don't be so negative Dr Mom! I'm just glad not to have gained any pounds - this is such a dismal time of year that eating is generally my main consolation. And I haven't munched my way through the incredibly tedious work I've had to do, either. This is all good.

    I did walk twice round the park on Sunday - Notsosmall Boy was in a huff and stormed off at speed, and I had to go round twice to find him! It was hard to be growly at him, as a) I had more exercise than I had planned and b) he has really impressive quantities of stamina for running - he did two full laps, which is just over two miles, and didn't stop! If only I could do that...

  2. I like the renaming of the smallest member of your family!

    Hard not to be negative, but then maybe more aggressive trying would yield better results.

    I, of course, am currently living an eating out regime, thanks to having no kitchen. I have eaten in a restaurant every day this week.
