Sunday, January 31, 2010

Home cooking

We ate our first home-cooked meal in four days yesterday at a friend's house. Cottage pie. Yum. It was quite a relief to have something that didn't come with a side or a dipping sauce. (There was, of course, HP sauce on the table, but only the smalls partook of that.) This would have been a relatively low calorie day except that the aforementioned friends put out the tortilla chips and dip on the table while we played a board game. I tried, I really did, but the Trader Joe's Cilantro Dip was very moreish.

Lunch, we ate at Bappo's Pizzeria in the Stanford Shopping Center. I had a chicken ligura foccaccia sandwhich, which I'm sure had a million calories, but at least it wasn't a pizza.

No evening nibbling. No cake. No coffee. No exercise either, but not a bad day all round.

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