Thursday, January 14, 2010


It was necessary to feed people lunch today and all there was was sausages and eggs. And dinner was Chinese takeaway (although I only had about half the usual quantity and felt v full and stopped, which is a novelty as generally I would keep going until it had all gone). So total for day is somewhere over 2500 cals. Never mind; I will make healthy soup or something for tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. You are getting frighteningly into this whole thing! Healthy soup indeed! But it is interesting that you don't feel the need to eat so much as usual. I think that is one of the good side effects of thinking about what you eat, that it does retrain you (at least temporarily) into not needing to clear the plate/ take out box / pizza etc. My current strategy is to order less when we eat out or take out. On Sunday we went to the diner, and I had a modest two poached eggs with some of Deep Thought's toast. And didn't feel too badly on it.
