Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Year, New Start

Hello again. It's been a while.

Dr Mom weighed in this morning at 160.6 lbs, again a record for heaviness. The first day of the year didn't go so well, food-wise, involving as it did a cooked breakfast, a burger for lunch, three mince pies, a Flake, pasta with cream for dinner, and a bowl of trail mix. But against that I have to mention the five hours sleep of the night before, and in such circumstances it is essential to keep eating tasty junk food in order to stay awake.

But today is the start of a brave new world. Again.

I was just watching some video of myself dancing on New Year's Eve. Tummy. Large boobies. Expansive bottom. And did I mention the tummy? Oh dear, really got to do something about that.

First step is to re-awake Weightwatchers. I logged in and discovered it had changed in my absence. It's like some perverse version of the supermarkets moving all the food around to make you spend more. Turns out that they have recalibrated all the foods so that I now have a higher point availability for each day and extra for the week (29 and 49 respectively). So it must mean that one point no longer roughly equals 100 calories - some more subtle algorithm is in play. Bah.

Hungry. Must drink tea.

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