Monday, January 3, 2011

I did OK today - until this evening

Filled with virtuous intention, I started the day with a bowl of bird food. Well, muesli, but I've been feeding it to the birds this winter as we ran out of the echt stuff and the poor things needed food in all the snow. I hope it filled them up more than it did me.

However, I survived without snackage until lunch time, when I ate four pieces of sushi, two slices of ham and some leaves. Then I felt deprived and still hungry so I ate 2/3 of the bread bun I had actively decided not to make into a sandwich with the ham and leaves.

The afternoon was long and dark and involved reading about the duties of a solicitor in a police station, thus compelling me to eat a piece of stollen cake (that's nearly a joke!). Dinner was a pre-prepared Bigham's ready meal, the calories of which could be readily calculated if I could find the packet, with rice and peas and corn. That was ok, and tasty, and David made it so it was even better.

Evening involved watching Goldeneye, eating ONE long AfterEight matchmaker-style choco-snack, one ricciarelli (Sienese almond biscuit), and rather a lot of Goldfish. Dr Mom, did you know the Festive Goldfish you brought me were not all fish at all, but 1/3 Christmas Trees and 1/3 Stockings! And scrummy. I seem to remember last year that a small dish of them worked out to a reasonable quantity of calories - I will have to look them up again.

The moral of this story would seem to be: don't watch Bond films.

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