Friday, January 7, 2011


Not as dramatic as nearly being run over, but my back is out again and I am hobbling around like an ancient very grumpy hobgoblin. And I'm not doing it with a stiff upper lip, either.

On the plus side, all the food cupboards in this house are low down and I can't bend down to find random snacks.

Will now try to remember what I ate yesterday (unlikely to be complete). Breakfast - can't remember even slightly - Notsosmall went back to school and I had to get up in the dark and get out of the house while the streetlights were still on. Possibly I didn't have anything except the compulsory cup of tea. I do remember eating a crumpet sometime yesterday - that might have been breakfast. At lunch I ate a small bowl of leftover Indian takeaway (Wednesday was first day back at college and therefore cooking was impossible).

Dinner, on the other hand, I do remember. It was scallops and chorizo, with chickpeas and spinach. It is very good. The recipes are in Nigella Express, and it really does only take ten minutes to make, start to finish, while having the appearance and taste of something that you've slaved over for hours. I think it is also probably quite good for you. The steamed fruit pudding with cream (the end of the Christmas stuff) on the other hand,definitely had enough calories for a month. And there's some left over for tonight, which we shall eat defiantly.

I feel sure there must have been delinquent snack-eating as well, but I can't (won't?) remember. I do know there have been no snacks today but only because I can't find anything at eye-level.

Tomorrow is another day...

Today, I have had a crumpet for breakfast, a ham sandwich for lunch, and we will be eating salmon and rice and some sort of greenery (and the aforementioned pudding) for dinner.

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