Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Dr Mom's Wednesday Weigh In

Despite considerable back sliding - involving crisps, cake, chocolate, nuts and general snacking morning, noon and night - plus multiple visits to restaurants (last Wednesday I had meetings involving coffee, lunch, coffee and dinner) - I came out this morning at 149.4 lbs, which is just about the same as I have been for the past month. Must admit that's quite a surprise! I was fully expecting to have broken back through the 150lbs barrier.

It has also been raining pretty much continuously for the past two weeks, which means that I have only done a couple of long walks with Ruby. We were at Arasteradero yesterday for an hour but it was quite the mud bath. Today the rain has set in again.

Today I am at a conference all day, which will involve food at multiple opportunities. I plan to arrive this morning near the end of the "breakfast and networking" session so I don't eat anything. Well, anything much.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

A Long Spring Walk

Yesterday Hubby, RubyDog, and I went for a 7.5 mile walk at Windy Hill. We set out at 9am, wearing our hiking boots which turned out to be a very good choice as it was muddy, muddy, muddy!

We walked up the Spring Ridge Trail to the summit of Windy Hill, something like a 1.200 feet climb along 2.5 miles. From the summit you can see the Bay and also the Pacific. Then we took the Anniversary Trail, which was a lovely winding path along the edge of the hill with great views across the Bay. We ate our chewy bars and dog snacks at a well placed bench, then turned onto the Hamms Gulch Trail for the return trip.

Spring Ridge Trail is very exposed, a wide, steep path that gently curves through meadow lands with very few trees. Hamms Gulch Trail is quite a contrast. The top part reminded up very strongly of Hawai'i, with moss covered trees, hanging vines, and water cascading off the hillsides. The spring flowers have started to open in abundance and the birds were very noisy just here. The trail itself consists of numerous switch backs, with the result that it is longer than the Spring Ridge trail, but a lot less steep. As the trail descends, California oaks feature more strongly, and it takes on the look of the drier foothills. The whole trail was thickly wooded, making for shade, birds, and a really delightful walk. We found another well placed bench to eat our sandwich lunch.

At the bottom of the trail, it crosses the confluence of Hamms Gulch and Jones' Gulch - two streams of which we'd never previously been aware. They had a fair bit of water in them. You cross by stepping stones, not too difficult a proposition; except that Ruby absolutely refused to step on the stones or in the water. She would rather have had her head pulled off than get her paws wet. In the end, Hubby had to go back across the stream and scoop her up in his arms to carry her across. She was in doggy disgrace for that.

We certainly felt like we'd been for a walk! We stopped at the Portola Deli coffee shop for a latte reward at the end of the walk, and Ruby lay muddily on the floor. Hubby fell asleep in the car during the twenty minute drive home, while the dog snored on the back seat. I had a teeny little snooze on the bed when back home....

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Dr Mom's Wednesday Weigh In

149.2lbs this week, another loss of half a pound. I need to make more effort to avoid snacking, especially in the evening. I also have to confess that the occasional brownie and such like has been sneaking back into the overall diet....